Michigan EPIC Michigan Education Portal for Interactive Content
Core Democratic Values Module

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Tough Times, Tough Governors
This section profiles four Michigan Governors who used Core Democratic Values to get through tough times while they were in office.

The first part is a timeline biography of each of their lives. These timelines follow them through their terms as Michigan's highest elected official.

The second part is a game show called "Governor's In Jeopardy". In this game show, each governor asks the player a multiple-choice question about themselves, based on the biographies in "Tough Times, Tough Governors".

We've also prepared a "virtual tour" of the State Capitol in Lansing using Quicktime VR technology.

Pick an activity below:

" Tough Times, Tough Governors: Biographies of Four Michigan Governors

" Governors in Jeopardy: The Gameshow For Kids

" Virtual Reality Tour Of The Michigan State Capitol

Each activity requires the free Flash plugin for viewing online.
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