Q: How do I use the evaluations?
A: You can jump to the Evaluation page at any time while viewing the material. Use the "yes" or "no" buttons to make a response. If the response requires further explanation, please write your comments in the boxes provided. YOU MUST include your ZIP code with each evaluation. Click the submit button when each evaluation is complete.
Q: How do I save where I am if I need to stop the evaluation temporarily?
A: If you need to stop, you can "bookmark" (in Netscape) or "make Favorite" (in Explorer) the page you are currently on. This allows you to return to exactly where you stopped. You may also choose to download an Acrobat PDF file of the project for reading offline. You can then return to the website to voice your comments.
Q: Why must I include my ZIP code for each evaluation?
A: We apologize for this redundancy, but it is necessary for your comments to be organized correctly, and for us to get a rough idea of where the comments originate.
Q: Who do I contact if I'm having technical problems, or I discover a problem with the pages or forms?
A: Please contact the History Themes webmaster here with any technical questions not answered in this section.